Monday, August 10, 2009

Queen of Pain

I am the Queen of Pain. I did my own stunts during my many adventures and have come away somewhat mangled. As with everything, I manage my pain naturally.

NSAIDS (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) like aspirin and ibuprofen have been proven to cause severe liver and stomach damage after long term use (many people use these drugs daily), and besides, they cover the problem, they don’t treat it. Pain is the alarm system your body has to tell you something is wrong, listen and learn.

Here’s what goes on inside your body when you go bump in the night: your veins constrict and then expand to allow the cavalry of immune cells to the area to repair and protect the injury. Fibrin is released to create a “wall” around the injury and keep you in one piece while your body tries to heal. This is inflammation and swelling in action.

Most people can’t take the time to properly rest and heal when they’ve hurt themselves, so they soldier on and pop painkillers to keep on keeping on. Then things become chronic, and that knee you sprained a long time ago becomes your bad knee that acts up when the storm is coming-but don’t ask me to explain that phenomena!

Chronic pain and inflammation can be managed by addressing the source of the inflammation. Zyflamend by New Chapter leads the category by addressing inflammation at the cellular level. Supercritical extractions of herbs like Turmeric, Holy Basil and Rosemary regulate inflammation and increase circulation. But, Zylfamend is not for those with sensitive digestion, as it is VERY potent. If that’s the case, I’d suggest Inflammarest by Source Naturals, which is a similar formula, but not too strong.

Turmeric itself is very anti inflammatory, and can be used to control pain and inflammation. TurmericForce by New Chapter is my favorite, especially when taken in conjunction with Mycomend, also by New Chapter. The Turmeric reduces inflammation while the mushrooms in Mycomend provide the injury with vegetarian building blocks to repair itself.

There is a balance to healing, as with everything, sometimes the fibrin scar your body made to hold you together isn't breaking down properly and hinders recovery. This is where enzymes come in handy. Bromelain, is derived from pineapple stem and "eats" scar tissue (and fibrin build up caused by inflammation in general, but we'll talk more about that when we get to Cardiovascular Health) making room for your body to do it's thing and get better. Enzymedica makes Repair, which has bromelain, papain and other enzymes to break down scar tissue.

I also really like ArthX Relief by Rainbow Light, it has Glucosamine, Chondroitin (derived from shellfish, so those with allergies stay clear), minerals and MSM to rebuild, and Ginger and Turmeric to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Rainbow Light also makes a couple of great natural, safe painkillers for those moments when you just have to cope, one is called Pain Eze and the other is Multilieve, which is fast acting. Both are great for cramps and headaches too. Other pain relievers include Devil’s Claw, Willow Bark, Kava Kava, Omega 3 fatty acids, reishi and ginger.

Topically, my new favorite is Elixer Rub by Frush Botanicals. Utilizing a supercritical extract of Arnica, relief is instant and long lasting.

I’ve also found acupuncture and chiropractic treatments to be incredibly helpful. Also, daily low impact exercise like yoga, swimming, spinning and rowing keeps your circulation moving and keeps you living your life to the fullest.

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