Monday, September 21, 2009

Sidestepping Flu Season

Golden sunlight, shorter days and brisk breezes cue the onset of Flu Season. When our beloved little germ bags head back to school to wriggle around with other beloved little germ bags, and the deceptive warmth beckons one more dip in the pool or hike in the woods, all while your beleaguered immune system, neglected over a sunny summer of revelry, is solemnly facing the winter ahead.

Taking preventative measures is more than just mainlining Vitamin C; don’t get me wrong it’s a great antioxidant and beneficial to the body in dozens of ways, but it’s not really as effective against preventing colds and flu as it’s cracked up to be. Multiple studies over the years have proven this, but the general populace is still programmed to reach for the OJ when the telltale symptoms appear. You know them as fatigue, stuffy head, fever and/or chills, scratchy throat and congestion.

But what I’ve been telling people for years, especially teachers and parents, is to get friendly with a good medicinal mushroom supplement like Paul Stamet’s Host Defense, Herbs Etc’s Deep Health or Planetary Formula’s Reishi Supreme. Medicinal mushrooms nourish the immune system with Beta Glucans which are types of polysaccharides (or complex sugars) that activate the immune system; all of it. White Blood Cells, B cells, T cells and Natural Killer (NK) cells are all nourished, and yet not over-stimulated, potentiating your bodies ability to defend itself not only from illness but from chemical and environmental toxins.

A good multivitamin, taken regularly will go a long way. Most Multi’s are rich in minerals and antioxidants to keep you at your best. Puressence Multi’s are my favorite, they are easy to absorb and well formulated. Their superstar is Life Essence Multi, which already has immuno supportive herbs like eleuthro and astragalus. Source Naturals Life Force is a great, easy multi to take; at only 2 tablets a day, you can feel the energy.

Taking Source Naturals Wellness Formula is also not a bad idea. Hey, it’s hugely popular because it works. Wellness Formula covers the gamut of infectious possibilities with immuno stimulants like Echinacea, and astragalus, as well as anti-virals like elderberry, olive leaf and andrographis, antibacterials like goldenseal, garlic and propolis, and tonic herbs like ginger and eleuthero. Wellness Formula is available in homeopathically, in tablets, capsules and liquids, for adults and children.

But in my opinion the coolest thing to come out lately for viral defense is definitely Immune Take Care by New Chapter. It’s not like they discovered Elderberries; people have been using elderberries since 500 BC at least, but they did prove that targeted potencies of elderberry extract can actively prevent colds and flu, and in such a fascinating way: viruses are spiky little buggers, they use the spikes to puncture our cells and use our DNA to replicate themselves. Elderberry has been proven to dull those spikes so the virus cannot penetrate the cell wall, and hence the nasty thing shrivels up and dies. Elderberry is safe for everyone, and available in a multitude of forms. I’ve found that kids love the story of how it works, and then are eager to take it!

To keep skin moisturized and supple, remember to take plenty of balanced essential fatty acids like fish oil or hemp seed oil, to moisturize from the inside out. If your skin is naturally dry, try switching from lotion to a rich oil like almond or jojoba. Oily skinned folks can also use jojoba as it mimics skin sebum and won’t clog pores. Apply your lotion or body oil right after you bathe while your skin is still moist and warm. It will absorb better as your pores are open and inviting. Some skin care professionals say moisturizing your face at night is unnecessary, but even my oily skin suffers when I do that, so I use Grateful Body’s Facial Therapy to keep my face healthy and moist. I even cover it with a layer of jojoba oil in these dark, cold evenings for extra nourishment.

You can also use almond, jojoba or even olive oil for an indulgent hair treatment: fold an old bath towel and place on a cookie sheet in your oven, well spaced from any heating elements (please don’t set your house on fire for beautiful hair!) at 200 degrees for 10 minutes or until warm to the touch, in the meantime, gently warm your oil in a double boiler, again, just until warm, and smooth the warm oil through your hair, comb and wrap your hair in the warm towel until it cools. Shampoo out the oil and voila! Shiny, lustrous hair magically appears. For extra shine try Weleda’s Rosemary Hair oil, I love to massage it into my scalp to encourage healthy hair growth.

For those folks that head into the hills to play in the snow-remember your sunblock, as the sun’s rays bounce of the snow and right in your face, I love Hara Sport for all my sunscreen purposes, but for skiers and snowboarders the beeswax, shea and cocoa butter moisturizes while protecting sensitive skin from wind and rain, and is non greasy and unscented; great for everybody. Lips are among the extremities at risk so try not to let your lip balm go through the laundry! I have recently fallen in love with John Masters Organics Lip Calm, which is smooth, nourishing and richly moisturizing. Feet and hands suffer as well, so rub your tootsies with Collective Well Being’s Cardamom Foot Butter, and keep your hands soft with Weleda’s Sea Buckthorn Hand Creme. Weleda has another great product for dry skin anywhere: Skin Food is rich moisturizer for face, hands, body you name it.

According to Ayurvedic medicine, drinking cold water can dampen your digestive fire, so let your water reach room temperature or keep it warm in a thermos before sipping. This time of year it may also be a good idea to trade in that cold smoothie for a nice cup of tea or chai. Chai spices are inherently warming, mildly antibacterial and stimulate circulation, whereas a cold, rich smoothie would just muck up your digestion and energy. There are dozens of tasty teas with ingredients like rooibos and green or white tea which are all rich in antioxidants. To get your daily dose of greens steam or saute kale and/or chard and munch them as is or add them to hearty winter soups. I love to mix spirulina with a little Spike Seasoning and Nutritional yeast for a tasty sprinkle over those greens. Winter squash are rich in antioxidants and can be a great starch option for a balanced meal. And if you are used to a berry smoothie, try a nice, warm fruit compote instead. You’ll still get lots of antioxidants, and a yummy dessert treat! Stay warm, stay balanced and stay well!

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